
Our KULAU products ...

  • are organically certified and come from sustainable cultivation
  • are often a culinary surprise 
  • are 100% natural and are produced without unnecessary additives
  • are regularly carefully tested for residues by independent laboratories
  • are passionately developed, designed, tested and improved by our team in Berlin 

The KULAU story began in 2008 with the founder Josefine Staats' enthusiasm for coconuts and the diverse possibilities of the tropical fruit. Even today, the KULAU coconut range with coconut water, coconut oil and coconut blossom sugar is one of the bestsellers. In recent years, the range has been expanded to include other delicious organic products. For example, there is a very vegetable seaweed bouillon with dried seaweed from organic wild growth on the Galician Atlantic coast. The wafer-thin seaweed snacks, which we call KULAU Norisnacks, are also popular. 

In order to continue to stimulate as many senses as possible, we work closely with chefs and gourmet experts and exchange ideas with our KULAU community.

We guarantee high-quality products that are free from artificial additives such as flavorings, ascorbic acid and colorings. We attach great importance to sustainable and future-oriented trade and want to help leave future generations with an intact ecological, social and economic structure.

KULAU is a company that has been passionately dedicated to the production and distribution of innovative and valuable organic food since its founding in 2008. "We hope that through fair trade and environmental awareness we can have a positive influence, particularly on organic and sustainable agriculture in the countries where the food is grown," says Josefine Staats, founder of KULAU. This is also reflected in the following core values ​​of KULAU:


Sustainable and future-oriented action is part of our corporate mission. We dream of a better future for everyone and want to help leave an intact ecological, social and economic structure for future generations. For us, sustainability encompasses all areas of the company, from purchasing to production to packaging and shipping materials for customers. We are not perfect yet, but we aim to keep getting better and do not see sustainability as just an empty marketing phrase.

When it comes to packaging, print materials, logistics and production, we are constantly working to leave as small an ecological footprint as possible. Environmental friendliness is not only important to us in our business dealings, but is also something we live out in our everyday office life.


When we talk about innovation, we are less concerned with the technical perspective and more with the personal and social benefits of innovation for our customers and for the company. We don't just see it as the introduction of new, never-before-seen products. Innovation can also mean, for example, that we use particularly sustainable packaging materials or take new, unknown paths in communicating with our customers. We are curious and never stop learning.

We are always looking for new, unconventional products, far removed from the mainstream. KULAU products should surprise at first and gradually become a firmly established part of the diet.


When enjoying KULAU organic products, as many senses as possible should be stimulated. The products and communication materials lovingly and artistically designed by our designer are definitely an aesthetic eye-catcher. A massage with  KULAU organic coconut oil  can be an unforgettable physical pleasure. In order to keep improving our culinary skills, we work closely with committed (vegan) chefs and gourmet experts.

Transparency & Fairness

We want to maintain fair relationships with everyone and are in regular contact with producers, suppliers and  partners . We tell our customers where our products come from, how they are traded and manufactured. Fairness is also a high priority for the KULAU  team  - in the form of regulated working hours with overtime compensation and appropriate pay. The motivation and joy of employees at work are considered the most important company resource.


Wir legen Wert auf hohe Qualität sowie die Natürlichkeit der Produkte. KULAU steht für Bio-Produkte ohne unnötige oder fragwürdige Zusatzstoffe. Viele unserer Produkte stammen zwar aus Asien, werden aber wegen der hohen Qualitätsanforderungen in Deutschland abgefüllt. Unsere Partner und unser Qualitätsteam achten darauf, dass die Produkte regelmäßig professionell von einem unabhängigen Lebensmittellabor geprüft werden. Viele unserer Laborergebnisse stehen für jeden sichtbar auf unserer Webseite.

Soziale Verantwortung

Wie leben soziale Verantwortung, z.B wenn es um den Einkauf von Kokoswasser, Kokosöl oder Kokoszucker geht. Weltweit sind über 100 Millionen Menschen wirtschaftlich von der Kokosnusspflanze abhängig, die meisten davon in Ländern mit Entwicklungspotential. Wir möchten einen sozialen Beitrag leisten, so dass auch die Menschen vor Ort davon profitieren. Denn nur so ist es möglich, Produkte von höchster Qualität zu erzeugen. Wir zahlen den Kleinbauern einen fairen Preis für Ihre Kokosnüsse, so dass diese auch für sich und ihre Familien sorgen können.  Außerdem bauen wir auf einen inspirierenden Austausch mit Kokosnuss-Interessenvertretern wie der UN-Kokosnussagentur in Jakarta (APCC), dem indischen Kokosnussministerium (Coconut Development Board), sowie verschiedenen Research Instituten (z.B. International Coconut Genetic Resources Network) und Kokosnuss-Spezialisten (z. B. Dr. Bruce Fife). 

Oft werden Kokosnusspalmen in großindustriellen, auf Effizienz fokussierten Monokulturen angebaut. Eine nur auf Ertragssteigerung ausgerichtete Plantagenwirtschaft kann jedoch zu ökologischen Schäden führen. Dabei gibt es nur wenige Profiteure, aber viele andere, die später unter den ökologischen Folgen leiden müssen.

Unsere Mission ein nachhaltiges Unternehmen zu sein und immer besser zu werden, gilt auch für neue KULAU Produkte. Auch bei Neuem achten wir darauf, dass mit allen in den Wertschöpfungsprozess eingebundenen Menschen und mit der Natur fair umgegangen wird. Wenn man uns einmal nicht persönlich am Telefon erreicht, sind wir womöglich intensiv mit der Suche nach neuen und nachhaltigen Produkten beschäftigt. 

The KULAU organic coconuts come from organic plantations, where they are cultivated in mixed culture and usually by small farmers together with other tropical plants. With our local partners, we ensure sustainable, environmentally and socially acceptable development. We pay fair prices and thus ensure that the local people also benefit from the sale of their coconut raw materials. A large part of the coconut water, coconut oil, coconut blossom sugar or drinking coconuts or seaweed snacks is already paid for before it arrives in Europe. This gives the people in the growing areas prospects and security and is also reflected in the quality of our products. 

We have maintained sustainable relationships with our producers for years and attach importance to fair business practices while adhering to high ecological and ethical standards.